Greetings fellow Apes,
First of all, I want to say thank you. This movement and community has renewed some of my faith in humanity and in my generation. The lockdowns and pandemic have been hard for everyone and when I first dipped my toes in in January, after I was drawn in by some incredible memes, I went around telling everyone I knew that this was the most exciting and positive thing I had witnessed in years. Technology and the internet have been painted as such a detriment to society, but this movement is a rare light in the dark of the internet, amid culture wars, trolls, cyber-torture, and censorship, it seems that Reddit has birthed forth what I can only describe as a hive mind, the purest expression of what tech utopians and the early internet pioneers believed that this technology was capable of. Bringing people together, not dividing and polarising them.
Despite what the media may say, I believe this to be one of, if not the most important movement of the 21st century. And it is all happening in culmination with some incredibly consequential moments for the future of our species. History is a tale of the rise and fall of dynasties and empires and we may be about to witness the fall of the wealthiest empire the world has ever known – the hegemony of the global financial elite. We’ve already seen the SEC and DTCC rush through numerous rule changes before the squeeze has been squoze; imagine what we might see if the DD is correct – What happens to the world after the Mother Of All Short Squeezes?…
Which brings me to the ultimate point of this post. Since January I have been tracking posts, book-marking articles, and saving every scrap of information I can possibly find as I’ve tied to figure out what is happening here. After conducting interviews with Houston Wade, Lucy Komisar, Carl Hagberg and Dr T, watching how the community has ducked, moved, and evaded attempts to manipulate and infiltrate the subreddits, and reading through DD from smooth and wrinkle brained Apes alike, I have come to the conclusion that the world needs to hear this story. It’s all encapsulating – it has villains, corruption, fraud, outstanding memes, and a media class determined to crush and discredit this burgeoning hive mind. There has been information and digital warfare involving shady CO-INTEL PRO tactics and more censorship that I would have believed possible.
Behind all that, there is an even more important story about how the GameStop Apes came together as one to take on the giants of Wall Street. Many amongst us were truly retarded when it came to investing and finance in January, but thanks to this community I have descended down the rabbit hole so far I can see the foundations of the financial system, and it is built upon fraud – to steal from Attobit, it is a house of cards. I learnt about naked short selling, failures to deliver, Cede & co, the DTCC, the capture of the SEC and Congress, and how financial firms seem to be a law unto-themselves – fraud is the game and getting caught and fined is just a price to pay. Dark pools, deep OTM calls, and ETFs are just a few tools used to hide the corrupt practices and enable the crooks on Wall Street to go on recklessly gambling with global financial markets and the world economy. These people learnt nothing from 2008 and unfortunately we failed to punish the perpetrators – instead we bailed them out and allowed them to pay themselves obscene bonuses for erasing the savings and repossessing the houses of millions.
The mods and wrinkled brained apes have educated the rest of us by the thousands, rumours are discussed and debated, DD and counter-DD is presented and analysed, experts have been drafted in to help us understand what we are witnessing, and all the while the community fought to keep out the shills and FUD spreaders who tried to distract us with infighting and other meme stocks – remember R.K.T.? S.i.l.v.e.r? D.o.g.e?
Only the best information (and memes) rises to the top, it’s a remarkable thing to watch the community decipher each new piece of the puzzle in real time – it’s how Reddit was meant to work – the community truly has become greater than the sum of its parts.
It is my goal to tell this story before the mainstream get their chance to define it themselves. There are already mainstream journalists announcing books on the same topic but I want people to understand what this movement is about and to hear the story from someone who has been in the community since Robinhood decided to halt trading and declare war. I know the Apes Strong Together Doc will do a fantastic job, I’ve even interviewed the two creators of the documentary – but I felt that this story deserved a more in-depth look in a book format, so I have been working on a book about the GameStop Apes. The book will broadly cover the following 4 topics:
- wallstreetbets, superstonk, and the hive mind
- Digital warfare, bots, shills, and online communities
- Naked shorts, FTDs, and the broken system
- How the MOASS will change the world
I have just launched an indiegogo to help fund the book. I will finish and publish the book regardless of how much money I manage to raise, but I am posting here to say, if anyone would like to help in making this book a reality then a pre-order is the best way to do that – there are some really cool parks and discounts for early backers. The first 200 backers get a big discount plus some branded “To The Moon” Crayons and an official ticket to the moon.
I’ve also added a form if any Apes feel they want to send me comments, articles, DD, or memes – I’ll do my best to include it in the story! If you’d like to find out more about the book you can explore this website or sign up to my mailing list to get a free preview of chapter 1.
But I am not here to beg for donations, mainly to announce the book and to say thank you to the community. You are part of one of the most exciting, fascinating, and truly beautiful communities the internet has ever created. It is friendly, positive, and full of side-splittingly good memes and technical analysis better than some Wall Street firms.
Do not give up. Do not give in. We have everything on our side. Buckle up Apes, we own the float and I can’t wait to see where this story takes us next.
See you on the moon.

One thought on “An Open Letter To The GameStop Apes: Thank You And Do Not Give In!”
I agree